Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Fudamental Law of Growth - Take Action!

No matter what you are trying to do, achieve, gain, or develop, you are basically going to need to take action. Some of you might immediately start thinking of things that you don't need to take action to do, and that's fine. All I'm saying is that at some point, you are going to need to take action. You can sit on your butt all day long and visualize yourself riding a bicycle without the training wheels. No matter how many times you rehearse it in your head, eventually you are going to have to take real-world action or else you just wasted your time.

The point is, action brings about change quicker than anything else. Now, of course everything has exceptions, but just use your common sense. If you want to have something in your life that you do not have, possess a skill you do not currently own, or change a certain part of your personality to how you would like it to be, and therefore more authentic, you need to take action. So often we catch ourselves sitting on our butt, wishing that some part(s) of our life were different. We have already talked about fears, which is generally the biggest obstacle to achieving something important. Procrastination is the other one, but it usually applies to less important goals, not life-long dreams. However, chronic procrastination can lead to an unfulfilled life, so that will be the subject of the next post.

As for taking action... If you really think about it, wouldn't you want your dreams to come true? Of course you do! So first break through your fear to neutralize it, and then take action that is in accordance with your dreams. Although, all this implies that you know what your dreams are. If not, take some time to think about them and write them down. This will help you focus on achieving them.

Most of accomplishment is motivation. If you get in the habit of consistent action, your motivation will rise. There are other ways to increase your motivation, but that is for another post.

Take Action (let's say within the next two minutes? Come on, you did learn something from reading all this right??)

Sean Golden