Monday, August 31, 2009

How to Make Taking Action Easier

Okay, so you might know by now that to live your dreams you are going to need to take action. Of course it is more complex than that, but one of the biggest fundamental steps is taking action, but how can you keep taking action on an ever increasing amount of goals that keep getting bigger and bigger so that you live your dreams? Won't that just get too hard? Well, no.

You see, you mind is a wonderful thing, particularly your subconscious mind. It does so many things all the time while your conscious is only focusing on one thing.

Because of this, you can actually kind of delegate tasks that usually take place in your conscious mind and put them in your subconscious, virtually freeing yourself from the struggle of performing the task, if there was a struggle.

It's like when you began to walk. At first, as a baby, you had to keep immense focus on putting one foot in front of the other, hold your balance, then another foot, almost there, oh no! Im falling! And down you go. But you got back up and did it again and again and again until you got it down, and now your subconscious gets to focus on walking when you go from place to place while your conscious mind can focus on talking to a friend.

So how did we do that? How do we delegate it? Well, another word for all of this is habits.

When we repeat something enough, it will eventually turn into a habit and no longer need conscious focus. For example, I have been exercising and lifting weights for six years now, and it is definitely a habit. I no longer spent mental energy deciding if I am going to go work out or not, I just do it basically without thinking about it. Easy. Done.

Or, for example, I am, by nature, a shy person. However, I decided to make a habit out of talking to new people and be friendly. This has formed into a habit now, and I do not have the same struggle when going up and talking to someone new. It's more subconscious now.
(By the way, your subconscious can almost always outperform your conscious. Think about how much better you are at talking when you are talking to your best friend rather than giving a speech or talking to an intimidating figure...)

So, in order to make this whole "Live your Dreams" thing easier, how about you start taking consistent action to the point where it becomes a habit. Just like lifting weights, if you only do it once in a great while, you will never develop muscle. But do it consistently, and you will reap the benefits.

REMEMBER, this is your life. Make it extraordinary.

Sean Golden

Challenge Yourself

Everyday I look around and see people complaining about being tired, having no energy, being overweight, not exercising enough, being shy, not having enough money, having nothing to do...

When I look at this, I see one thing: These people are not doing anything, and are consequently complaining about it. Instead of realizing that they are not taking action and start taking action, they would rather just complain about it, because they then are at least doing something about it.

I urge you not to get caught up with this type of thinking. Instead, when some aspect of your life is not how you want it to be, do something about it! Don't just sit there like everyone else and let your life pass before your eyes.

Taking consistent action will revitalize you, giving you more energy to accomplish even more of what you want to!

So, how exactly do you challenge yourself and take action?
  1. Figure out a goal.
    -In order to know what you what to do, you have to figure out where you want to go. It's like driving, you can go very fast anywhere you want to, but unless you know where you're going, you might as well have just stayed home... Figure out a goal.
  2. Think about the things you can do to achieve that goal
    -You don't have to have it all mapped out, just the end destination and a few baby steps to begin with. When your driving at night, you don't need to see the entire destination at the beginning, just the 50 feet in front of you where your headlights can shine light.
  3. Take action
    -Now is the real challenge, take action. Start living your dreams! Why settle for anything less? You can have the life you want, so just go out there and get it!
A great thing to remember during this process is that you should enjoy the journey, not just the end result. Realize that every step you take is a step closer to your dreams and ENJOY THAT!

Live with enthusiasm and make a great life for yourself, starting...oh... how about the next 10 minutes? =)

Sean Golden

Thursday, August 20, 2009

How to Have a Better Life, Starting Today!

Life, you only get one. Work at it, make it awesome, and be the best you can be in this short little time that we have. One thing that you always have to remember though is: Don't take life too seriously.

If you look around, you'll see people who have lost their zest for life. Yes, they might make goals and achieve them. Yes, they might go relax in a hot bath after a long day of work. However, they are not really living, at least in how I think of the word. They are merely going through their daily actions, not experiencing life.

Remember how good it feels to laugh, and do so often. Remember that some of the things that are stressing you will not be remembered 5 years from now. Everyone has problem... what makes life better is if you can deal with the problems in a light-hearted way. Joke about your issues; poke fun at them.

Doing all this will tend to get you emotionally detached from your problems, something that can help you in two ways:
  1. It makes the problem easier to deal or cope with.
  2. It makes you have more fun in your life.
If you think about it, do you really want to grow old and then look back at your life and realize that you were grumpy, upset, mad, sad, tired (yes, a state of mind at times), or any other negative emotion way too often, and could have had a much better experience if you just allowed yourself to enjoy life!

Start today by smiling and laughing more than usual. Research actually shows that smiling can cause you to feel better in just a few seconds. Change your behavior and you will change your state.

P.S.: If you just can't shake a bad mood off you, try moving. Get into a different position, stand up straighter, or just jump up and down and go crazy! Just get moving!

Come on, don't be so serious...

Sean Golden

How to Stop Procrastination

Alright, now let's be honest here... if you just searched the internet for "How to stop procrastinating" or something like that, then you obviously know that you want/need to stop procrastinating and have probably learned a few tips from other sites already...

If this is you, then your problem is not insufficient knowledge, it's insufficient motivation! Use what you already know and put it into action! Just make up your mind to do it! There is one tip that I can give you though:
You need to be able to trust yourself. What I mean is, if you say you are going to do something, do it. Just like if you tell your boss that you are going to give him the paper at 5:00 tomorrow, tell yourself the same thing, and if it's not done, punish yourself the same way. If you get in the habit of sticking to your word, you will be able to do something just because you said you would do it. That's motivation!

For the rest of you who may not know how detrimental or worthless procrastination actually is, consider this: To continually grow, you should focus on tasks or experiences from three categories: Work, Fun, and Rest. Work includes striving for your goals. Fun is everything that you enjoy (if you are really lucky, you can combine work and fun sometimes =] ). Rest is just relaxing, enjoying nature, sleeping, etc...
So, those are the categories that you should focus on for a balanced and great life, agreed? Well, procrastination is neither work, fun, nor rest!

Some people might argue that they are doing work, and if they are then it is not procrastinating. However, some people confuse "being busy" with working. Watch out for that. Others say that they are having fun, and if they are then it, again, is not procrastination. If they are not having a lot of fun, though, and know that they and easily have more fun doing something else at that moment, then it is procrastination, and they should stop doing whatever it is they are doing.

Now, this all assumes balance. If someone is having way more fun and rest than work (and it is not benefiting them), then they need to set their priorities straight, but that is for another post... (the same applies is someone is working way more than fun and rest and it is not benefiting them (more $ does not always mean better... use common sense))

So, start making yourself trust yourself, stop procrastinating and have a great life!

Sean Golden

The Fudamental Law of Growth - Take Action!

No matter what you are trying to do, achieve, gain, or develop, you are basically going to need to take action. Some of you might immediately start thinking of things that you don't need to take action to do, and that's fine. All I'm saying is that at some point, you are going to need to take action. You can sit on your butt all day long and visualize yourself riding a bicycle without the training wheels. No matter how many times you rehearse it in your head, eventually you are going to have to take real-world action or else you just wasted your time.

The point is, action brings about change quicker than anything else. Now, of course everything has exceptions, but just use your common sense. If you want to have something in your life that you do not have, possess a skill you do not currently own, or change a certain part of your personality to how you would like it to be, and therefore more authentic, you need to take action. So often we catch ourselves sitting on our butt, wishing that some part(s) of our life were different. We have already talked about fears, which is generally the biggest obstacle to achieving something important. Procrastination is the other one, but it usually applies to less important goals, not life-long dreams. However, chronic procrastination can lead to an unfulfilled life, so that will be the subject of the next post.

As for taking action... If you really think about it, wouldn't you want your dreams to come true? Of course you do! So first break through your fear to neutralize it, and then take action that is in accordance with your dreams. Although, all this implies that you know what your dreams are. If not, take some time to think about them and write them down. This will help you focus on achieving them.

Most of accomplishment is motivation. If you get in the habit of consistent action, your motivation will rise. There are other ways to increase your motivation, but that is for another post.

Take Action (let's say within the next two minutes? Come on, you did learn something from reading all this right??)

Sean Golden

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How to Overcome Fear

In order to be happy, you may want to do two things (see other post here). But what about if you want to follow your dreams, but you are afraid to? What if you are worried that something will happen, or that people won't like you, or that you will fail? Well, all of these things are able to happen, although they probably will not. Still, you cannot just waste your life away because you are scared of something. (P.S. many of your fears might be irrational or not real.)

Answer the following out loud (quietly if you are with others I guess..)
  • Do you want to live the life you have always imagined?
  • Do you want to be the person that you have always wanted to be and are proud of?
If yes, then isn't it worth it to break through your fears? Would you rather spend the rest of your life living in mediocrity, or would you want to have an AMAZING and FANTASTIC life? The choice is yours, just make sure that you are not filled with regrets when you look back at all the wasted time later on...

Maybe I am being a bit too harsh, but it's still true. You see, many different people will tell you "6 new ways to overcome fear" or other BS. Maybe what they are saying has worked for them, but if it had worked for you, you wouldn't be reading this right now, would you? It all just boils down to motivation. What they are telling you helped motivated them to do what they were scared of. There is no secret formula or "quick fix", just motivation and effort. So stop searching around to try to find some secret and instead start doing! You already know what to do, don't try to fool yourself that you need more information!

As Jack Canfield says: Ready, Fire!, Aim.

Break Through, starting Today!

Sean Golden

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

How to Reach Your Potential AND be Happy

Generally if you search the
The next step which sort of ties into theory 1 is... drum roll.... living without your irrational fears (or at least their effect on you). That's for another post though...
Generally if you search the Internet on how to be happy, you might come across two different ideas. One says that you should keep striving to be the best that you can be, and the progressive realizations of your dreams will make you happy. The other opinion is that you find happiness in the now, so stop living in the future or past and just live. Roll down your windows and feel the air rush past your face.

If you think about it tho.. don't these two ideas seem to completely contradict each other? How can you enjoy the present and not think about the future if you are trying to accomplish something for the future. Paradox? Not really...

See, when people read books or search the Internet for this sort of thing, they seem to have an all-or-nothing sort of mindset. They think that there is only one rule that they need to find and live by in order to be happy, when, in fact, there are many many ways someone can live his or her life in order to be very happy. The two I described above, though, are pretty much universal and have a massive effect.

I think that people should try to constantly strive to realize their dreams because when they do, they will feel empowered and proud. They will be happy. If they fail to do so, they will look back with many regrets and might be ashamed of how they carelessly allowed their life to turn into something other than what was wanted. Do you want to feel regret later on when you didn't accomplish what you want to, or because you didn't live up to your potential and be the best you can be? Or do you want to look back feeling great that you have learned, gained skills, and lived the life you really wanted to?
The most important part of this idea, though, doesn't come from actually achieving your goals, but from the process of achieving your dreams. People seem to underestimate the happiness they will find while striving for their dreams. This comes from all the pointless work that we have had to do throughout our lives. That kind of work makes us think that doing things or accomplishing things is not fun. However, if you really think about it right now, you might realize that when you are trying to achieve your dreams, you will be having tons of fun!

This first idea definitely has its time and place in your life everyday. However, when you are not doing this, you might want to start on the other theory: Live in the moment. Most of the time, even if people have done and been doing idea #1 (see above), they will start to worry, anticipate, become anxious, etc. when they maybe should be starting on idea #2. Stop worrying! You can prepare for your future in phase (or idea) #1; don't worry now! Live your life, smell and feel the air, and enjoy the world you live on. Recognize and appreciate all that you have and how fortunate you really are. Be grateful. I'm not going to go into much detail on this because it's pretty self-explanatory, but if you want more info. just search google for "appreciation and gratitude" or "living in the now/present".

The next step which sort of ties into theory 1 is... drum roll.... living without your irrational fears (or at least their effect on you). That's for another post though...


Sean Golden

Sunday, August 16, 2009

You Don't Have to Grow Old

Yesterday I was driving in my car, listening to music blasting through my speakers when suddenly I saw a magnificent event happening on the sidewalk next to me.

They were both probably in their 80's (but looked like 90's), and they were walking together holding hands. They both had a slight smile on their faces when the man leaned his body towards the woman, pushing her with his elbow. After he shoved her, the woman's smile broadened and she pushed him back. They then put their arms around each other with huge smiles on their faces and kept walking very slowly and difficultly down the sidewalk.

What happened here? Well I'll tell you, it is extraordinary! In this day of age, so many people lose the zest that was previously in their relationship. After being married for many years and especially after having kids, the loving affection that had first bound the two together has somehow vanished, and for what reason? I'm sure the 80-year-olds that I saw had been together for many years, but they still got to enjoy the magical feeling of love all the time. How can you grow old when you still act so young? Somehow, growing old doesn't seem to be such a big deal anymore because you know that you are not going to allow the effects of getting older to effect you; you are going to act young and in love.

I am 18 years old, turning 19 in a few months and have really no idea how it is to be in love with someone for years. However, I know that when I get older, I am not going to let that magic die out. Even though I have never experienced it, I innately know that I want that, and am going to do everything I can to make sure that happens once I start that point of my life.

So if you have some built up resentment or something towards your partner, see if you can let it go and forgive them. If you still have a relationship together, and you know that your partner cares about you, try to bring back the magic again. You never have to let it die.


Sean Golden